This is the nice recommended film this month. This is Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the third sequel of twilight saga after the first sequel of Twilight and the second sequel, Twilight Saga: new moon. Like before, this movie is starred by 3 main characters, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), Bella Swan (Kirsten Stewart), and Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner).
What is the main description of this film? This film is about 3 main characters of role. But, this film gives more attention to some secrets that will be known by the viewers about Warewolf Legend, Imprint (Like life mate be known since first sight for warewolves).
Well, the main of this movie is the allying of vampires and warewolves to destroy the wicked riotous thirsty-blood young vampires that is "created" by Victoria because of revenge to Bella in James death, her mate vampire.
The young vampires are so horrendous and many victims killed due to their presence. When the young vampire knight had enough power, they plan to attack Cullen's family and kill Bella to wreak Victoria's revenge. But, the plans could be known by Alice that has the superiority to read the future and mind so that the war between Vampires is avoided.
Before, Cullen's family considered to ally with Jacob Black and friend as warewolves to destroy the wicked young vampires. What about the next story? You can watch this interesting movie in the nearest movie in your town.
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